Regional Research Sub-Stations

Visit of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor to Regional Research Sub-Station (Old Alluvial Zone), Manikchak, Malda

Regional Research Sub-Stations:

Sl. No. Name Location Jurisdiction Area
1. RRSS, Terai Zone Kharibari Siliguri Sub-division of Darjeeling district and Islampure sub-division of Uttar Dinajpur district.
2. RRSS, Hill Zone Pedong Three Hill Sub-divisions of Darjeeling district.
3. RRSS, Old Alluvial Zone Manikchak Malda, Dakshin Dinajpur and Uttar Dinajpur.

Research System:

Sl. No. Name of Agro-climatic Zone Location Status Mandate Priority Areas
RRSS, Hill Zone Pedong Verification Centre
  • Horticulture system development
  • Management of Die-back of Mandarin Orange
  • Orchids & flowers-development of multiplication technique and nutritional management.
  • Medicinal plants-standization of cultivation practices.
RRSS, Terai Zone Kharibari Verification Centre
  • Rainfed farming
  • Increasing productivity of Rice based cropping system
  • Plantationcrop, pine apple and vegetable.
  • Formulation and validation of IPM on rice, mustard, brinjal, tomato etc.
  • Multi-storied cropping system for increasing productivity and enhancing biological processes.
  • Crop modelling based on crop- weather-pest disease.
  • Plantationcrop development on marginally productive land.
  • Standardization of quality pine-apple for export.
RRSS, Old Alluvial Zone Manikchak Verification Centre
  • Intercropping under orchard system, sericulture, quality mango production technique, arsenic problem, post harvest technologies, pest-disease management
  • Varietal replacement for export potential quality mango.
  • Introduction of BV-race of mulberry sericulture.
  • Arsenic free crop production technique.
  • IPM of paddy and vegetables.
  • Rejuvenation of old mango orchard

Annual Report of Regional Research Sub-Station (Terai Zone) 2017-18

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