The proposed NAHEP would contribute to the achievement of four Sustainable Development Goals, namely:

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all – promotes: (a) equal access to affordable vocational training; and (b) greater gender and wealth equity through universal access to quality higher education. Specifically, NAHEP would finance interventions that increase the supply of qualified technicians and teachers

Promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all – seeks higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgradation and innovation. NAHEP would foster a stronger innovation culture by twinning participating AUs with other higher-performing centers of learning (both in India and internationally) and strengthening AU-private sector linkages to better orient student learning toward market-relevant skill sets.

Building resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation – would enhance scientific research, and substantially increase both the research and development (R&D) workforce and its associated budget.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts – would improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning. The proposed NAHEP would specifically target AU curricula reform to internalize climate change and resilience in current and future course content and tie this with experiential learning for certificate, undergraduate and post-graduate students for practical career applications.

Nodal Officer/Principal Investigator Details:

Dr. Prodyut Kumar Paul
Professor and Head,
Pomology & Postharvest Technology, Faculty of Horticulture
And Deputy Registrar
Telephone& Mobile Nos: 8016425515 / 7001363247
Email: [email protected]

List of Faculties associate with this project:

Sl No. Faculty Discipline
1 Prof. P. K. Paul,
Professor & Head
Pomology and Postharvest Technology, Faculty of Horticulture
2 Dr. K. Pradhan,
Associate Professor and Head
Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture
3 Dr. S. Mondal,
Assistant Professor
Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture
4 Dr. S. Ojha,
Assistant Professor
Agricultural Statistics, Faculty of Agriculture
5 Dr. N. Bhowmick,
Assistant Professor
Pomology and Postharvest Technology, Faculty of Horticulture
6 Dr. Arpita Khan,
Assistant Professor
Floriculture, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Faculty of Horticulture
7 Er. A. Das,
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology
8 Dr. O. P. Chaturvedi,
Assistant Professor
Farm Power and Machinery Engineering, Faculty of Technology
9 Dr. S. Kundu,
Assistant Professor
Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Majhian
10 Dr. S. K. Das,
Assistant Professor
Farm Power and Machinery Engineering, College of Agriculture, Majhian
11 Er. Sangeet Sinchan Roy University Instrumentation Engineer


Nodal Officers of various operation

Nodal Officer Name of Member Contact Details
Grievance Redressal Mechanism Er. Ashis Kumar Das Mobile: 9434381119; Email: [email protected]
Equity Action Plan Dr. Arpita Mandal Khan Mobile: 7001803315, E-mail: [email protected]
Environmental Sustainability Plan Dr. Om Prakash Chaturvedi Mobile: 8637531393, E-mail: [email protected]
Procurement Er. Suman Dey Mobile: 9641399082, E-mail: [email protected]

Equity Action Plant of NAHEP-IG


Notification for Selection

Admission News