Comptroller’s Department

Sl. No. Name Designation Mobile E-Mail
1. MR. ARBAN GHOSH In-charge, Comptroller’s Department +91 9434685670 [email protected]
2. MR. ARBAN GHOSH Assistant Auditor +91 9874396259 [email protected]

Staff Members :

Sl. No. Name Designation E-Mail
1. Mr. Biswajit Dey Cashier
2. Mr. Nabinur Islam Junior Assistant
3. Mr. Samiran Das Junior Cashier [email protected]
4. Mr. Anagh Barman Junior Cashier
5. Mr. Manik Bhowmick Junior Cashier [email protected]
6. Mr. Anindya Paul Junior Cashier [email protected]
7. Mr. Pradip Deb Barman Junior Store Keeper [email protected]
8. Mr. Samir Dey Junior Assistant [email protected]
9. Mr. Debabrata Sarkar Junior Assistant [email protected]
10. Mr. Jay Prakash Barman Junior Cashier
11. Mr. Sankar Dev Assistant Cook



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Financial Concurrence Format of UBKV 2023-24
Approved Auditors (CA Firms) for conducting AUC audit
Revised Budget Estimate of the University Maintenance Contingent Grant for the Financial Year 2024-25
Revised Accounting Code
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