Comptroller’s Department

Sl. No. Name Designation Mobile E-Mail
1. MR. ARBAN GHOSH In-charge, Comptroller’s Department +91 9434685670 [email protected]
2. MR. ARBAN GHOSH Assistant Auditor +91 9874396259 [email protected]

Staff Members :

Sl. No. Name Designation E-Mail
1. Mr. Biswajit Dey Cashier
2. Mr. Nabinur Islam Junior Assistant
3. Mr. Samiran Das Junior Cashier [email protected]
4. Mr. Anagh Barman Junior Cashier
5. Mr. Manik Bhowmick Junior Cashier [email protected]
6. Mr. Anindya Paul Junior Cashier [email protected]
7. Mr. Pradip Deb Barman Junior Store Keeper [email protected]
8. Mr. Samir Dey Junior Assistant [email protected]
9. Mr. Debabrata Sarkar Junior Assistant [email protected]
10. Mr. Jay Prakash Barman Junior Cashier
11. Mr. Sankar Dev Assistant Cook



Submission of deposit of Collection with the Revenue Generation Activities of the Integrated Farming System (IFS)
Prescribed Proforma for submission of Contingent Permanent Advance Adjustment || Accounts & Expenditure Code
Prescribed Proforma for submission of Contingent Advance Adjustment Bill || Accounts & Expenditure Code
Checking of PAN and Aadhar Card for all prospective vendor to e-Fileing Portal
Submission of Tax Savings Certificate for 2024-25
Bill Voucher Format of UBKV 2023-24
Financial Concurrence Format of UBKV 2023-24
Approved Auditors (CA Firms) for conducting AUC audit
Revised Budget Estimate of the University Maintenance Contingent Grant for the Financial Year 2024-25
Revised Accounting Code
Admission News