Notice for Interview for various posts of Scientific Staff under AICRP/AINP Project and Professors (Horticulture and Genetics & Plant Breeding)
Ref. No. 667/UBKV/Est. dated 13.09.2024, Candidates applied against Notification No. UBKV/Rect./07/2022 dated 10.12.2022 and UBKV/Rect./09/2022 dated 23.12.2022, Notification No. UBKV/Rect./01/2024 dated 26.06.2024 for the post of Scientific Staff under AICRP/AINP Project and Professor (Horticulture and Genetics & Plant Breeding) are hereby informed that after scrutiny of application forms the eligible candidates have been called to appear before the Selection Committee for an interview on the following dates, time and venue.
Ref. No. 669/UBKV/Est. dated 17.09.2024, Due to unavoidable circumstances the Interview for the post of Professor in the discipline of Genetics and Plant Breeding and Horticulture which were scheduled to be held on 26/09/2024 and 27/09/2024 respectively is hereby postponed till further notice. The inconvenience caused is regretted.