DEE/UBKV/2021-22/69 dated 19.08.2021, Due to some unavoidable circumstances walk in on line mode interview for the post of Facilitator for the programme entitled “Diploma in Agricultural Extension Service for Input Dealers” (DAESI) (Ref. No. DEE/UBKV/2021-22/55 dated: 04.08.2021) and Project Assistant for the NABARD sponsored project entitled “Bio active enriched vermi-compost production and popularization for better soil health and enhanced crop productivity in Uttar Dinajpur district” (Ref. No. DEE/UBKV/2021-22/54 dated: 04.08.2021) which were scheduled to be held on 20.08.2021 is postponed.
The re-scheduled date and necessary link will be sent to the E-mail of the eligible short listed candidates in due time.

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