Ref. No.:88/UBKV/Est. Date: 22 April 2022, Candidates applied against Advt. Nos. UBKV/Rect./02/2019 dated 25 February 2019; UBKV/Rect./05/2019 dated 06.11.2019, Notification No. UBKV/Rect./01/2020 dated 03 February 2020, Notification No. UBKV/Rect./04/2020 dated 14 October 2020, Notification No. UBKV/Rect./01/2021 dated 01 December 2021 and 788/UBKV/Est. dated 03.12.2021 for the post of Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology) and Professor (Pomology and Post Harvest Technology) are hereby informed that after scrutiny of application forms the eligible candidates have been called to appear before the Selection Committee for an interview on the following dates, time and venue. Call letters have already been sent through Speed Post at their address of correspondence as also on their e-mail id.