Walk-in-Interview for Facilitator

Ref.No. DEE/UBKV/18-19/333 Date:10.01.2019, Walk-in-interview will be organized for engagement of Facilitator for the programme entitled “Diploma in Agricultural Extension Service for Input Dealers” (DAESI) on purely contractual basis at a fixed consolidated remuneration of Rs. 17,000/- (Rupees seventeen thousand only) per month for one year or end of present DAESI course, whichever is earlier and renewal may be given on confirmation of next course, if any, strictly based on performance. Interested candidates may appear before the Selection Committee along with bio-data, one passport size recent photograph and relevant original certificates with one set of photocopies. Date & Time of Interview : 29.01.2019 at 11.30 a.m.

[button href=”http://www.ubkv.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/Walk-in-Interview_DEE-UBKV-18-19-333_10.01.2019_DEASI.pdf” target=”_blank” css_classes=”e.g. button_hilite button_pale sm_button”]Click here for Notification[/button]

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