Walk-in-Interview for Project Assistant

Advertisement No. : UBKV/DR-1015, Dt.15.11.2019, Suitable candidates are invited for walk in interview for filling up for the post of Project Assistant (02 Nos.) on Contractual basic (Purely Temporary) under the project entitled –“Promotion of Pulse seed Production through Technology Demonstration on Conservation Agriculture in Malda and Dakshin Dinajpur Districts of West Bengal for livelihood security of small and marginal farmers”located at Pundibari in the district of Coochbehar under the aegis of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya. Date & Time of Interview : 29.11.2019 at 12.00 Noon.

[button href=”http://www.ubkv.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/Walk-in-Interview_UBKV-DR-1015_15.11.2019.pdf” target=”_blank” css_classes=”e.g. button_hilite button_pale sm_button”]Click here for Notification[/button]

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