Notification regarding West Bengal Health Scheme for the Beneficiaries

Ref. No. 520/UBKV/Est. Date: 07.10.2021


With reference to the West Bengal Government Notification no. 2080-AG- 12019(15)/7/2020-EDU SEC dated 07.06.2021, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor is pleased to implement the “West Bengal Health Scheme for the Beneficiaries of Grant- in-Aid Colleges and University under Agriculture Department” for the benefit of Permanent Teachers/Officers of this University and their dependent family members. Details of the scheme is available in University website
Serving Teachers/Officers are requested to get themselves enrolled at as per the terms and conditions laid down in the cited notification with immediate effect.
The concerned Teachers/Officers may send mail to [email protected] to get any kind of clarification on Technical issues.
For any kind of administrative assistance, the Registrar of this University may be contacted through the e-mail [email protected].
This scheme is optional.

Registrar (Actg.)

Click here for Notification

Details of the Scheme

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