Thesis submission

Ref. No. 154/EXAM/UBKV Date: 04-05-2020


As approved by the competent authority, it is hereby notified to all concerned that,
henceforth, all theses submitted under Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya shall contain a
certificate from the Chairman of the Advisory’ Committee as per the prescribed format
attached herewith in ANNEXURE-I, stating the plagiarism checking procedure of the
thesis. This is in addition to all required forms that are part of the thesis, at present.
Moreover, the plagiarism check report generated through software available to the
University duly signed jointly by the Student concerned and the Chairman of the Advisory
Committee has to be attached as an APPPENDIX at the end of the thesis.
The concerned student shall submit the Certificate of Originality according to the
format enclosed herewith in ANNEXURE – II before the submission of thesis to get the
approval regarding commencement of the procedure of thesis submission.

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