Notification regarding Teachers’ Election

Ref. No. 1128/UBKV/ Est.                                                              Dated: 24.01.2020


In continuation of earlier notification vide no. 1110/UBKV/Est. Dt. 21st January 2020, as mentioned “The ‘Register of names of the Teachers’ of the University is available at the office of the undersigned (under care of Mrs. Mampi Majumder, Junior Stenographer to the Registrar) for personal inspection by all teachers of the University for verification of entries concerning them on any working day during 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. One copy of the said ‘Register of names of the Teachers’ is also displayed on the notice board of the office of the undersigned at the headquarters of the University. Moreover, any teacher whose name has not been found in the ‘Register of names of the Teachers’ may submit his/ her relevant particulars in form no. 2(T) [vide sub statute (2) of statute 165] within 30 days of issuance of this notification.

All concerned are requested to act accordingly.

Encl.- Form no. 2(T)”   is hereby re-circulated widely for necessary action.

Registrar (Actg.)

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