Notification regarding streamlining of regular administrative activities

Ref. No. 465 / UBKV/Est.(L.S.-176) Date: 08th October, 2020


In view of the gradual process of restoration of normalcy in general, the competent authority has been pleased to restore normalcy in the mode of operative procedure of the University Administration. As such, with effect from 2nd November, 2020 the University would start functioning in standard operative mode. All the Employees are to attend their duties as per statutory provision of the University.

The Director of Farms is empowered to control the arrival and departure of staff under his jurisdiction as per vide Ref. No. 165/UBKV/Est.(Gen-57) dt. 19.05.2017.

Moreover, in regard to any kind of illness except COVID-19, the employee is to follow statutory instructions regarding leave. However, in regard to sickness owing to contraction of COVID, the employee is to follow the detailed instruction enclosed hereto.

This is issued in supersession of all earlier Notifications/ Office Orders/ Memo etc. regarding the issue.

Registrar (Actg.)

Click here for Details
Ref. No. 489 / UBKV/Est. Date: 16th October, 2020


Further to notification cited above, it is to be conveyed that the said notification is exclusively applicable for all the employees of the University. However, the decision on issues related to restoring normalcy of academic activity and conduction of on-campus academic instruction would be conveyed later on through a separate notification.

Registrar (Actg.)

Click here for Details

Ref. No. 489 / UBKV/Est. Date: 16th October, 2020


In reference to notification no. 465/UBKV/Est. (L.S.-176) dated 08.10.2020, the undersigned is to convey that University bus would be operated maintaining normal schedule and route w.e.f. 02.11.2020 as detailed below:

Starting Place Time Destination Time Remarks
Rail Gumti 09.15 am Pundibari 10.00 am Schedule is dependent upon traffic condition
Pundibari 05.40 pm Rail Ghumti 06.30 pm

This is for information and necessary action.

Registrar (Actg.)

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