Applications are invited for the position of In-charge, Establishment and and In-charge, Accounts

Ref. No. 309/UBKV/Est. dated 28.06.2022


Applications are invited in the following proforma from the regular employees of the University (Pay Level-5 and above) who have completed six (6) years of continuous service fulfilling essential qualification mentioned below, for the position of In-charge, Establishment (04 numbers) and In-charge, Accounts (02 numbers) on officiating basis with incentive of Rs. 2000/- per month. The assignment shall involve responsibility of the officiating post in addition to normal duties and responsibilities of substantive post held by the concerned incumbent. Application furnishing following information with necessary documentary evidence in support of qualification and experience as well as satisfactory service report, is to be submitted to the office of the undersigned within 14 July 2022 through proper channel.

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