Notification for submission of details of Employees to Administer the Leave


Ref No.: 993/UBKV/Est. Date: 12.12.2024


It is conveyed for general information that the University is on the verge to introduce online module system to administer the Leave of its regular employees. To make the system functional, all the employees (Teaching/ Non-Teaching / Officer) are requested to fill the provided entries given in the following link latest by 18 December, 2024.

This may be treated as URGENT.

The link:

Registrar (Actg.)

Download Notification

Notification for Identify Card for Permanent Employees of UBKV

Ref No.: 0314/UBKV/Est. Date: 15.07.2024


With reference to the notification cited above, all the permanent employees of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya who have not submitted the information on following points, are once again requested to feed respective employee code with details as per following proforma through online mode within 26 July 2024. It is to be noted that the passport size photograph and scanned copy of signature are required to be uploaded in the Google form through online mode.

Information is to be provided through the link The unique employee code for every permanent employee has been generated and it is available for each employee at the University Website.

Employee Code:
Name of the Employee :
Name of the Father / Husband :
Designation :
Date of Birth :
Official Address:
Residential Address:
Blood Group:
Identity Mark :
Mobile Number:
E-mail Id:
Passport Size Photo (Showing complete face, (5 cm × 3 cm), Maximum file size 250kb) (.jpg):
Signature (Maximum file size 150 kb) (.jpg) :

All concerned are requested to act accordingly.

By order of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor
Registrar (Actg.)

Download Notification || Employee Code for Teachers || Employee Code ofor Officers || Employee Code for Non-Teaching Employees

Approved Auditors (CA Firms) for conducting AUC audit

Ref No.: 141/UBKV/CD/AS/UV/2024-25 Date: 19.06.2024


It is being notified that the following Auditors (CA Firms) have been approved by the Hon’ble VC for conducting “AUC” audit for all concerned projects and programmes, sponsored by the Govt. of India/GoWB/CAR/Different National Important Institutes/ Central or State Autonomous Bodies / Foreign Funding Authorities in connection with the FY 2023-24.

Assistant Auditor & In-charge, Comptroller’s Department

Download Notice

Submission of Income Tax Savings Investment Plan for financial year 2024-25

Ref No.: UBKV/Comp/114/24-25 Date: 06.06.2024


All the employees of UBKV including all outstation centres are requested to submit their respective income tax savings investment plan in annexed format for the financial year 2024-25, within 18th June 2024 positively.

Assistant Auditor & In-charge, Comptroller’s Department

Download Notice

Notification for submission of duly authenticated Working Certificate or Absentee Statement for Monthly Salary, Scholarship, Wages, Fellowship, Remuneration, Bill

Ref No.: UBKV/Comp/87/24-25 Date: 30.05.2024


It is being notified to all concerned that each monthly Salary, Scholarship, Wages, Fellowship, Associateship, Remuneration, Bill will not be acknowledged for disbursement without duly authenticated “Working Certificate” or “Absentee Statement”. It is needed to consider that authentication should be done by the Competent Authority.

This is for general information and necessary action.

A draft copy of the Working Certificate is attached with this notification for future use.

Assistant Auditor & In-charge, Comptroller’s Department

Download Notification with Working Certificate

Notice regarding Audit team of CAG inspection of various on-campus or off-campus units of the University

Ref No.: – 5…. /UBKV/Comp/NT_AGWB_C_Audit_2023-24 Date: 08/01/2024


It is being informed that the AG, Audit Team of CAG, WB will visit University different on- campus or off- campus units of the University for the purpose of the conduction of the Compliance Audit for the period from 15th. Feb’2024 to 7th March 2024. Audit Programme Schedule may be extended by the concerned audit team, if the audit team (consists of four members) feels to do so. All concerned In-Charges or Nodal Officers, or Programme Coordinators of each responsibility unit (either Off-Campus or On-Campus) of the University are requested to present & ready for producing the following financial documents, files, registers etc. along with their key personnel to the Compliance Audit Team at the time of conduction of this compliance audit programme for the period ended on 31st. March 2023 in due time: –
• All Dr., Cr., Jr. Vouchers as evidential documents, arranged in chronological order
• Each Financial Year Budget Estimate, Concerned Sanction & Release orders, Treasury Control Register (if any), Expenditure Control Registers, etc.
• All Cash Book, General Ledgers, Stock Books, Stores Ledgers, Fixed Asset Registers, Salary Acquittances, Pension Disbursement Register, Statutory Remittance Control Register, Lab-Equipment Maintenance Control Register, Tour Approval for Seminar, Workshop& Symposium, Curriculum-wise Student Admission Register, Curriculum-wise Student Pass-out Registers, Student Hostel Accommodation Register, Student Collection Registers, Stipend/ Scholarship Control Register, Fellowship & Post- doctoral Associateship Control Register, Contractual Staff Salary Acquittance Register, Contractual Staff’s EPF Register, Contractual Staffs’ Attendance Register etc.
• Bill Register, Bill Objection Register, ATD Control Register, Bill for Collection Register, Cheque Book Register, Undisbursed CASH Registers, Statutory Remittance Control Register etc.
• Cost Control Register for Farm-Produces, Seed Production Control Register, Seed& Planting Material Collection Register under FPC/FPO/PPP agreements, Fuel Control Register, Vehicle Maintenance Control Register, Purchase Day Book, Sales Day Book, Stores Ledger for Critical Inputs, Labour Requisition & Attendance Confirmation Register, Farm- Implements Maintenance Control Register, Scrape Disposal Control Registers, Job Contract Cost Control Register, All Registers in relation with controlling labour and fuel cost separately, All registers in relation with the different provisions of the M W Act 1948 & the EPF &MP Act 1952 and any amendments thereof during the period of audit concerned etc.
• DCR Collection Register, DCR Stock Book, Warehouse Maintenance Control Register, Subsidy Collection Register from Governments, Project/ Programme Cost Control Register etc.
• Bank Reconciliation Statement of all operative and non-operative bank as on 31st.March of each financial year, covered herewith.
• Cash Verification Report, Stock Verification Report as on 31st.March of each financial year, involved herewith.
• Branch Remittance Reconciliation Statement as on 31st.March of each financial year, involved herewith.
• Tender Register, EMD Register, PS/SD Control Register, BG Control Register as Contingent Asset, Works Register, UBKV-Employee’s EPF Control Register etc.
• Employee’s Advance Register, HO Remittance Register, Supplier’s Advance Register (if any)
• Fixed Deposit Register as on 31st.March of each financial year, involved herewith. (if any)
• Library Books Accession Register, Student Usage Archival, maintained by the library-in-charge concerned, Library Fees & Fine Collection Register (if any), EMD Register, PS/SD Control Register, BG/FD Control Register as Contingent Nature, Library Advisory Committee Meeting Register
• Hostel Accommodation Control Register, Guest House Accommodation Control Register, Quarter Allotment Register, Guest House Collection Register, Quarter Amenities Collection Register etc.
• Register for University Student Health & Hygiene Support System, Staff’s Health & Hygiene Control Register, Staff’s Welfare Register, Student’s Welfare Register etc.
Timely submission of documents, files, evidences etc. against audit requisition or audit queries, raised by this Compliance Audit Team are essential for successful conduction of such audit in due time frame. It is to be further noted that failure to produces necessary records, documents or to respond to the clarification, sought by the audit team would tantamount to preventing a Government Officer from performing his/her duties. Any concerned Officials cannot take or sanction any kind of leave during the period of this audit except on medical ground. The undersigned brings to kind notice that the audit team would expect only professional work environment, assistance to day-to-day function and nothing else.
Your kind cooperation in this regard is quite expected and appreciated.

In-charge && AA
Comptroller’s Department, UBKV

Download Notice ||

Notice for General Instruction to the Drawing Officer of any Bill

Ref No.: 535/UBKV/COMP/FM/2023-24 Date: 11/01/2024


All concerned drawing officials [Deans, Directors, Registrar, Assistant Registrars, University Engineer (Actg.), In- Charges of outstation units, In- Charge of any declared responsibility sections/units of the University etc.]of the University are requested to maintain the following formalities and to attach the following documents at the time of submission of any procurement bill (other than Planned Major Works’ bill, TA/DA bill, Salary/Wages Bill, Student related bill, Advance Adjustment bill etc.) to the Comptroller’s Department or any Cash & Accounts Departments of the University for the purpose of payment to the eligible & confirmed beneficiary/ieschronologically. This is very important and judicious for the smooth functioning of the operational activities of the Comptroller’s Department in connection with the Financial Year 2023-24 and onwards. It is expected that all related communication will be made through proper channel.
• Duly filled triplicate (1st. for Audit, 2nd. For Accounts, 3rd. for Indenters) Drawing Bill (Draw-B) with due authentication of the Competent Authority of the concerned subject of procurement. It is to be remember that any relevant portion of this bill can not be avoided without proper reason/s.
• Supplier’s Claim Confirmation letter along with Supplier’s copy of the concerned Supply Order (SO) of the University (if any) and Vendor’s Payment details as per University Stipulated Vendors’ Payment Details Form. Vendor’s Payment Details should be verified as per the Payment T&C of the concerned SO. Any change in this respect should be authenticated by the supplier with supportive legal document and bank details. Without due confirmation, no bill can be drawn by the Competent Authority (CA) of the University for payment.
• Duly authenticated GST Tax Invoice, Bill of Supply, Claim Bill in any other form- authenticated by the concerned indenter etc (as the case may be) along with Custom Clearance Certificate (if any). If advance is given as per SO, reference of such advance payment will be submitted along with the final drawee bill.
• Duly authenticated evidence (e.g. Challan, e-way bill, Airway Bill, RC etc.) of related Store ledger / Stock confirmation, by the indenter concerned or any authorised representative of the indenter concerned along with transfer stock voucher of the Central Store of the University (if any). Delivery schedule compliance confirmation is to be submitted along with the concerned drawee bill, if such compliances are mentioned in the Delivery T&C of the concerned SO.
• Quality & Quantity Assurance Certificate from the Competent Authority of the University for Quality & Quantity confirmation
• Joint Service Quality Assurance Certificate in case of procurement of services or job contract. This may be given as per either University stipulated form or the service provider authenticated form, duly contracted by the indenter concerned.
• Photo copy of receipts evidence (e.g. TID, DCR, etc.) or lien endorsed NI (e.g. BG/FD/DD of the concerned Bid Security (EMD) or Performance Security (PS) as per GT&C of the concerned SO
• Documents for Time Extension (if any), authenticated by the consignee concerned
• Duly authenticated Warranty Certificate (if any) from the Supplier as per GT&C of the SO concerned.
• Duly authenticated certificate against the compliance agreement of the Defect Lability Period as per GT&C of SO concerned
• Administrative Approval & Financial Sanction of the subject of procurement concerned within the approved budgetary head of charges for the relevant financial year. Concerned Administrative Approval should be obtained from the Competent Authority of the University as per the relevant Delegation of Financial Power Rule, applicable herewith. Without such approval or sanction, no procurement process will be initiated. It is essential for any type of procurement process. In this context, it is relevant to mentioned that such procurement process may be made either cash realisation basis or real time credit limit realisation basis.
• Authenticated declaration of the indenter for maintaining University Procurement Policy and University fund utilisation propriety in connection with the subject of procurement concerned through drawing bill.
• Before submission of any drawee bill, relevant check list, attached in the back-end portion of the drawee bill, must be verified and judiciously applied thereupon.

Your kind response in this regard is appreciated.

Comptroller’s Department, UBKV

Download Notice || Drawee Bill Format || FC Format || Circular Ref. No. UBKV/COMP/CR/P. Mgt. /37/2023-24Dt.27/04/2023

Conduction of the Compliance Audit during the period from 15th Feb’2024 to 7th March 2024

Ref No.: 515 /UBKV/Comp/NT_AGWB_C_Audit_2023-24 Date: 08/01/2024


It is being informed that the AG, Audit Team of AG, WB will visit University different on- campus or off- campus units of the University for the purpose of the conduction of the Compliance Audit during the period from 15th Feb’2024 to 7th March 2024. Audit Programme Schedule may be extended by the concerned audit team, if this audit team (consists of four members) feelsto do so. All concerned In-Charges or Nodal Officers, or Programme Coordinators of each responsibility unit (either Off-Campus or On-Campus) of the University are requested to present &readyfor producing the following financial documents, files, registers etc.along with their key personnel to the Compliance Audit Team at the time of conduction of this compliance audit programme for the period ended on 31st. March 2023in due time.

Comptroller’s Department, UBKV

Download Notice

Absenting from duty unauthorizedly in respect of Shri Swapan Kumar Barman, Field Assistant

Ref. No.: 1313/UBKV/Est. dated 05.01.2024


Whereas Shri Swapan Kumar Barman, Field Assistant resident of Patna, Post. Paschim Patna, P.S. Chandipur, PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal, PIN- 721659 working as Field Assistant in the Office of the AINP on Jute has been absenting himself from duty unauthorizedly since 01.07.2022.

The above noted official was directed vide UBKV memo no. 1374/UBKV/Est. dated 09.01.2023 and memo no. 204/UBKV/Est. date 31.05.2023 to join duty with immediate effect but no response was received from his end.

Whereas, consequent upon approaching the Police authorities by UBKV vide letter no. 538/UBKV/Est. dated 10.08.2023 regarding his whereabouts, information is still awaited.

And whereas the aforesaid official i.e. Shri Swapan Kumar Barman was informed vide memo no. 1374/UBKV/Est. dated 09.01.2023 and memo no. 204/UBKV/Est. date 31.05.2023 that in case of failure to join duty by 15th June, 2023 disciplinary action would be initiated against him.

Now therefore, the competent authority has decided to give the above noted official a last chance to join his duty and explain his conduct within 30 days after publication of this notice failing which disciplinary proceedings as warranted would be initiated.

Registrar (Actg.)

Download Notification

Notice for Submission of Tax Planning Proposals

Notice Ref. No. UBKV/COMP/TDS_ID/490 /2023-24 Dt.26/12/2023


It is being notified that all concerned Teaching Staffs, Non- Teaching Staff, and Officers of the University are requested to submit their final tax planning proposals for the Assessment year 2024-25 (Previous Year 2023-24)in a view to calculate final TDS liability of. Income Tax in connection with the Previous Year 2023-24. Last date of submission of such final tax planning proposal to the Comptroller’s Department is 10th January, 2024.All concerned employee of the University may inform such information through e-mail address: [email protected]. Otherwise it may be sent to the Gautam Dutta, Comptroller’s Department either by hand/ registered post or at mail [email protected] within 10th January’2024 positively.

All concerned are further requested to mention the scheme of options (New Regime/Old Regime), as proposed by the related Finance Bill of GOI., applicable for the FY 2023-24. It is very much essential for finalising TDS liability (U/S 92/92A) of each concerned assesses in connection with the previous year 2023-24.

It is needed to mention that in case of exercising old tax regime option, all related self- attested evidential documents against any deduction claims [e.g., Sec10(10), Sec 24(b), Deduction under Chapter VI, Sec 16(i)- (iii) etc. of I. Tax Act 1961] will have to be positively submitted to the Comptroller’s Department within 15th.Apr’2024.

Your cordial cooperation in this regard is solicited.

Comptroller’s Department

Download Circular

Circular for submission of bills/advises

Circular Ref. No. UBKV/Comp/P.Fin.Mgt./488/2023-24 dated 21.12.2023


In the light of G.O. No. 611-F(Y) of the Finance Department, Audit Branch, Govt. of West Bengal dated 10.02.2023, it is being notified that all concerned Officials/Project Investigator/Programme Coordinator/Nodal Officers/HoD/In-charge,/Section Officers acts as a either drawing or disbursement officers are requested to adhere to the following schedules for submission of bills/advises to the Comptroller’s Department or respective In-charges,/ or Head of Responsibility Unit, who has enjoined the power of DDO, through delegation of power by the Hon’ble VC, UBKV or His Equivalent, ordered by the Chancellor, UBKV in the February & March 2024

Comptroller’s Department

Download Circular

Notification for Anti-ragging Squad and Anti-ragging Committee for College of Agriculture, Majhian

Ref. No.: 603 /UBKV/Est.(Anti-rag-167) Date : 18 August 2023


It is to notify for all concerned that the following Anti-ragging Squad and Anti-ragging Committee has been re-constituted for College of Agriculture, Majhian, Dakshin Dinajpur for the academic year 2023-24 and validity of the committees will be from August 2023 to August 2024. This is in supersession of the previous notification vide No. 1078/UBKV/Est. (Anti-rag-167) dated 18.11.2022.
Anti-ragging Squad:
1. The Associate Dean, College of Agriculture (Extended Campus),UBKV, Majhian, Dakshin Dinajpur.
2. Dr. Bimal Das, In-charge, Students’ Welfare, COA, UBKV, Majhian.
3. Dr. Dipak Kumar Murmu, Resident Superintendent, COA, UBKV, Majhian.
4. Dr. Bappa Paramanik, (Provost), Boys’ Hostel, COA, UBKV, Majhian.
5. Dr. Shymasree Roy, (Provost), Girls’ Hostel, COA, UBKV, Majhian.
6. Dr. Prerna Baraily, (Provost), Girls’ Hostel, COA, UBKV, Majhian.
7. Dr. Surajit Kundu, Associate Prof., COA, UBKV, Majhian.
8. Dr. Rakesh Yonzone, Asst. Prof., COA, UBKV, Majhian.
9. Dr. Samir Das, Asst. Prof., COA, UBKV, Majhian.
10. Dr. Victor Phani, Asst. Prof., COA, UBKV, Majhian.
11. Dr. Deepak Kumar, Asst. Prof., COA, UBKV, Majhian.
12. Dr. Sarbinoy Mahanta, Asst. Prof., COA, UBKV, Majhian.
13. Dr. Tapas Kumar Pandit, Asst. Prof., RRS(OAZ), UBKV, Majhian
14. Dr. Jayanta Dutta, Associate Prof., RRS(OAZ), UBKV, Majhian.
15. Mr. Ratul Barman, Asst. Prof., RRS(OAZ), UBKV, Majhian.
16. Md. Ali Azgar, Asst. Prof., RRS (OAZ), UBKV, Majhian.
Members of Anti-Ragging Committee of COA, Majhian
1. The Vice-Chancellor, UBKV, Pundibari, Cooch Behar- Chairman
2. The Dean Students’ Welfare,UBKV, Pundibari, Cooch Behar
3. The Dean F/Ag, UBKV, Pundibari, Cooch Behar
4. The Associate Dean, COA, UBKV, Majhian, Dakshin Dinajpur
5. In-charge, Students’ Welfare, COA, UBKV, Majhian, Dakshin Dinajpur
6. Resident Superintendent, COA, UBKV, Majhian
7. Provost Boys’ and Girls’ Hostel, COA, UBKV, Majhian
8. Block Development Officer, Balurghat, Dakshin Dinajpur
9. Inspector In-Charge, Balurghat Police Station, Dakshin Dinajpur
10. Senior Scientist and Head, DDKVK, UBKV, Majhian
11. Dr. Victor Phani, Asst. Prof., COA, UBKV, Majhian.
12. Nominated Member from local media forwarded by District Information and Cultural Officer, Dakshin Dinajpur
13. Nominated Member from NGO involved in Youth activities forwarded by District Welfare Officer, Dakshin Dinajpur
14. One Representative from present student nominated by CSU, UBKV
15. One Representative from fresh student nominated by CSU, UBKV
16. One Parent Representative nominated by CSU, UBKV
All concerned are requested to act accordingly.

Registrar (Acting)

Download Notification

Notification for Anti-ragging Squad and Anti-ragging Committee for Main campus, Pundibari

Ref. No.: 602 /UBKV/Est.(Anti-rag-167) Date : 18 August 2023


It is to notify for all concerned that the following Anti-ragging Squad and Anti-ragging Committee has been re-constituted for Main campus, Pundibari for the academic year 2023-24 and validity of the committees will be from August 2023 to August 2024. This is in supersession of the previous notification vide No. 895/UBKV/Est. (Anti-rag-167) dated 29.09.2022.
Anti-ragging Squad:
1. Prof. Sumit Chakravarty, Dept. of Forestry, F/Hort, UBKV, Convener.
2. Prof. Arup Sarkar, Dept. of Genetics and Plant breeding, F/Ag., UBKV, Jt. Convener.
3. Dr. Avijit Kundu, Asstt. Prof., AICRP and JAF, UBKV, member.
4. Dr. Somnath Mandal, Asstt. Prof., Dept. of Biochemistry, F/Ag. UBKV, member.
5. Dr. Puspendu Dutta, Asst. Prof., Dept. of SST, F/Ag. UBKV, member.
6. Dr. Sibnath Basfore, Asst. Prof., Dept. of VSC, F/Hort. UBKV, member.
7. Dr. Amarendu Mondal, RS cum NSS Coordinator, member.
8. Dr. Aditi Chakrabarty, Asst. Prof., Dept. of PPHT, F/Hort. UBKV, member.
9. Dr. Mutum Preema Devi, Asst. Prof., Dept. of PPHT, F/Hort. UBKV, member.
10. Dr. Lakshmi Hijam, Asstt. Prof., Dept. of GPB, F/Ag. UBKV, member.
11. Dr. Deepa Roy, Asstt. Prof., Dept. of Agril. Extension, F/Ag. UBKV, member.
12. Dr. Sankalpa Ojha, Asstt. Prof., Dept. of Agril. Stat., F/Ag. UBKV, member.
13. Er. Himadri Shekhar Konar, Asstt. Prof., F/Tech. UBKV, member.
14. Er. Kingshuk Roy, Asstt. Prof., F/Tech. UBKV, member.
Anti-ragging Committee:
1. The Registrar, UBKV- Chairman.
2. The Dean Students’ Welfare, UBKV-Convener.
3. The Office-In-Charge, Pundibari Thana, Pundibari.
4. The Block Development Officer, Cooch Behar-II/ Representative of District Magistrate, Cooch Behar.
5. Nominated Member from local Media forwarded by District Information and Cultural Officer, Cooch Behar.
6. Nominated Member from N.G.O. involved in youth activities forwarded by District Welfare Officer, Cooch Behar.
7. The Dean, Post Graduate Studies, UBKV, Pundibari.
8. The Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, UBKV, Pundibari.
9. The Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, UBKV, Pundibari.
10. The Dean, Faculty of Technology, UBKV, Pundibari.
11. The Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, UBKV, Majhian, Dakshin Dinajpur.
12. Prof. Pratik Madhab Bhattacharya, Dept. of Pl. Patho., F/Ag., UBKV, Pundibari.
13. Dr. Partha Sarathi Patra, Asst. Prof, RRS (Terai Zone), UBKV, Pundibari.
14. Dr. Bimal Das, Asst. Prof, College of Agriculture, Majhian, D. Dinajpur.
15. Prof. (Mrs.) Debapriya Sarkar, Prof., RRS (TZ), UBKV, Pundibari.
16. Dr. Sabita Mandal, Asstt. Prof., Dept. of Agril. Extension, F/Ag. UBKV.
17. Dr. Arpita Mandal Khan, Asstt. Prof., Dept. of FMAP, F/Hort. UBKV.
18. Dr. Ashis Kr. Das, Assoc. Prof., F/Technology, UBKV.
19. Dr. Om Prakash Chaturvedi, Asstt. Prof., F/Technology, UBKV.
20. Mrs. Sakila Khanam, Jr. Asstt., Office of the Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, UBKV.
21. Mr. Rayajul Hasan Sarkar, Jr. Cashier, Students’ Fees Collection and Scholarship Section, UBKV.
22. One representative from present student nominated by CSU, UBKV
23. One representative from fresher student nominated by CSU, UBKV
24. One parent representative nominated by CSU, UBKV
All concerned are requested to act accordingly.

Registrar (Acting)

Download Notification

Submission of Provisional UMG Budget for FY 2023-24 regarding.

In pursuant to the decision of the budget meeting, held on 04th. May 2023, I , Arnab Ghosh, Assistant Auditor & In- Charge, Comptroller’s Department, UBKV, is directed to submit the provisional budget for the F.Y. 2023-24 to all concerned officials for their kind consideration. Resolution of this meeting is also enclosed herewith for your kind information and necessary action.
You are requested to use the concerned Fund & Account codes for the purpose of preparing Final University Maintenance Grants (UMG) Budget for the FY 2023-24, which will be submitted to the next upcoming budget meeting in the Hon’ble VC’s conference room on the 3rd. week of June 2023. It is relevant to mention that all current financial year up-to-date expenditure and related sanctioned expenditure proposals are to be considered into the proposed Final UMG budget for the FY 2023-24.

Your kind response in due time is highly appreciated.


Accounting Code & Nomenclature || University Maintenance Grant Budget for the Financial Year 2023-24

Notification for Safely and Security of Female Students and Female Faculty and Non-teaching Faculty of this University

Ref. No. 90/UBKV/Est. dated 11.05.2023


In order to ensure safely and security of female students and female faculty and non-teaching faculty of this University, the competent authority has been pleased to operationalize a 24×7 women helpline number and a security system in the campus.
The dedicated 24×7 women helpline number with contact person is indicated below:
1. Name of the contact person: Dr. Sabita Mondal
2. Mobile No.: 9903164890
All concerned are requested to act according.
Registrar (Actg.)

Click here for Notification

Notice for Revenue collection of R&D wings regarding

Ref. No. UBKV/COMP/NT/R&DWRC/40/2023-24 dated 27/04/2023


It is to notify that all concerned officials are requested to deposit their collection in connection with the revenue generation activities of the Research & Development Directorate to the Bank Account no.-740002010007173, IFSC code- UBIN0574007 of Union Bank, Pundibari Branch (Br. Code-574007), except revenues of the seed unit programmes and farm’s activities of the R&D wing of the University within three (3) clear working days from the date of each revenue collection. Detail monthly collection statement of such revenues will have to be submitted to the Comptroller’s Department in the duly filled attached format (excel file only) within the three (3) working days of the 1st. week of the upcoming next month.
It is expected that each concerned official will be ready to submit his/her collection of such revenue and subsequent monthly collection statement of such revenues in due time to the Comptroller’s Department for smooth operation of the revenue management of the R&D wing of the University.


Notice with Annexure-I

Meeting for preparing a University Maintenance Budget Estimate for the period of April, 2023 to March, 2024

Ref. No. Ref. No. UBKV/Comp. – 36/2023-24 dated 27.04.2023


All respected Higher Officials, Deans & Directors, In- Charges are hereby requested to follow the guidelines as mentioned in the following attachments for preparing a University Maintenance Budget Estimate for the period of April,2023 to March, 2024. Date of Budget Meeting- 04/05/2023 Venue of Budget Meeting- Vice Chancellor’s Conference Room, Time- 12:00 o’clock, Duration3-4 hours.
• Formation of Budget Committee of The UBKV for the FY 2023-24
• Fixation of the proposed Authority & Responsibilities of this Committee
• University Maintenance Budget Confirmation for the FY 2023-24
• Budget Estimate for Maintenance of UBKV Employee’s Provident Fund Account
• Budget Estimate for maintenance of UBKV MBF Account
• Budget Estimate of any other University Programme, which will be proposed as table agendum, by each member of this meeting
• Any necessary amendment in the head of source & application, fund codification logic & nomenclature as proposed in their budget estimate, which are not mentioned in the attachment 4&5.
• Fixation of general guidelines for implementing Process or Course of Action or Action Plan of each confirmed budget estimate of each responsibility unit of the University.

The attachments are as follows: –
1) Annexure I (For maintaining consistency with the General Procurement Process)
2) Annexure II (For General Guidelines)
3) Annexure III (For Budget Format)
4) Accounting Code of ‘Source & Application’
5) Fund Code


Notice with Annexure-I to Annexure-III || Accounting Code of ‘Source & Application’ || Fund Code

Notification for submission of PP-2

Ref. No. 30/UBKV/Est dated 17.04.2023


In connection with the Notification vide no. 12/UBKV/Est.(Elet.)/T-63 dated 10.04.2023, all the Controlling Officers/ Head of the Department/ Unit/ Section and In-charge are request to furnish the information in the prescribed PP-2 proforma (hardcopy and softcopy) in respect of the employees (Teachers and Officers) to the office of the undersigned within 19 April 2023 to enable this office to submit the information to the office of the Block Development Officer, Cooch Behar-II, Pundibari, Cooch Behar. In this connection the softcopy of proforma (PP-2) may be downloaded from University Website (
This may be treated as VERY URGENT.
This is meant for Main Campus, Pundibari, only.

Registrar (Actg.)

Click here for Notification || PP-2 Format (excel format)

Urgent Notification for submission of Tax saving Investment Certificates

Ref. No. UBKV/Comp.-698 dated 24.03.2023


All the employees of UBKV including all outstations are hereby requested to submit all the tax savings investment certificates as per their declaration for issuing Form 16 for the financial year 2022-23.

All the employees are hereby requested to submit such documents within 02.05.2023. If any employee does not submit all the necessary documents within the due time then his/her Form 16 cannot be processed.

It may be categorically stated that if any penalty is imposed by the Income Tax department due to non-submission of necessary documents by any individual employee, the University authority will not be held responsible.

Comptroller’s Department

Click here for Notification

Notification for Registration of Seventh Convocation

REf. No. 1733/UBKV/Est.(Conv.-7)                                          Date: 24.03.2023


The 7th Convocation of the Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya (UBKV) is to be held on 5th April, 2023 as per kind approval of Hon’ble Chancellor. The following are notified for information of all concerned: (i) Last date of submission of registration form for degree awardee at the 7th Convocation is 31st March 2023. (ii) The application form shall be submitted online at on payment of Rs. 300.00 (Rupees three hundred) only (non-refundable). (iii) Separate application form is to be submitted along with separate fees for a student intending to receive separate degrees for UG and PG. (iv) Candidates shall have to report to the office of the Deputy Registrar personally for participation in rehearsal on 4th April 2023 before 12.00 noon and collect the robes therefrom on payment of Rs.100.00 (Rupees one hundred) only (refundable). (v) While male recipients of degree / medals shall have to wear a ‘White Panjabi / Kurta and Chost Paijama’, females shall wear ‘White saree with red border’ and ‘red blouse’. (vi) Those who fail to report or collect robes as per (iv) & (v) above will not be allowed to attend Convocation. (vii) Those who fail to attend the Convocation may collect the certificate later on payment of Rs. 500.00 (Rupees five hundred) only for each degree.

For further details please visit

Registrar (Actg.)

Download Notification

Ref. No. 1779 /UBKV/Est.                               Date: 24.03.2023


Ref. No.: 1733/UBKV/Est.(Conv.-7) dated: 24.03.2023

In partial modification of the above mentioned notification, it is conveyed that in serial no.(v) the dress code of male recipients of degree will be white Panjabi / Kurta and white dhuti with up to half inch brown border instead of Chost Paijama. Other issues stand unaltered.

All concerned are requested to act accordingly.

Registrar (Actg.)

Corrigendum || Corrigendum- Sl. No. (iv) Rs. 300 instead of Rs. 100/-

Notification for 7th Convocation held on 05 April 2023

Ref. No. 1675 /UBKV/Est.               Date: 14 .03.2023


This is for general information to the fraternity of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya that the University is going to organize 7th Convocation on 5th April 2023 as per kind approval of the Hon’ble Chancellor at University main Campus, Pundibari, Cooch Behar. In this connection all concerned are requested to extend their kind co-operation with the University administration and district administration for conduction of the 7th Convocation programme smoothly.

All Officers, Teachers, Non-Teaching Employees and Students of the University are requested to act accordingly.

Registrar (Actg.)

Download Notification

Notification for submission of PP-2 for ensuing Election

Ref. No. 1621/UBKV/Est.(Elct.)/F-63 Date: 28.02.2023


As per memo No. 420(50) dated 27.02.2023 of the Block Development Officer, Cooch Behar, list of employees along with duly filled up particulars is to be submitted in connection with ensuing Election. All the Controlling Officers/ Head of Department/Unit/Section and In-charge are requested to furnish the information in the prescribed PP-2 proforma (hardcopy and softcopy) in respect of the employees (except teachers and officers) under his control to the office of the undersigned within 02.03.2023 to to enable this office to submit the information to the office of the Block Development Officer, Cooch Behar-II, Pundibari, Cooch Behar. In this connection, the softcopy of proforma (PP-2) may be downloaded through University Website (

This may be treated as VERY URGENT.

Registrar (Actg.)

Download Notification || PP-2 Format (excel format)

Notification for submission of bill of Part-time Guest Lecturer

Ref. No. 1590/UBKV/Est. Date: 24 .02.2023


Ref.: Office Order no. 600/UBKV/Est.(EC-69) dated: 18.08.2022

Pursuant to the office order cited above, this is for information to all concerned that a format is hereby circulated for billing of Part Time Guest Lecturer of different faculties of the University. The guest lecturers shall place their bills in the attached format as appended in Annexure-A to their respective head of the establishment.

All concerned are requested to act accordingly.

Registrar (Actg.)

Notification with Blank Format of Bill || Blank Format of Bill (.doc format)

Final Gradation List of Non-Teaching employees of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya

In continuation of earlier notification vide Ref. No. 1173/UBKV/Est.(P&CAS)/NT/F-137 dated 13.12.2022, the Final Gradation List in respect of Non-Teaching employees has been published. Staff belonging to single cadre position have been considered as exempted to be included in the Gradation List.

Registrar (Actg.)

Click here for Tentative Gradation List of Non-Teaching Employees of UBKV

Notification for Promotion to Officer posts from Senior Non-teaching position

Ref. No.: 906/UBKV/Est. Date: 29.09.2022


Applications in prescribed form are invited from Senior Superintendent and other categories of Supervisory employees of equivalent rank of this University having Pay Level 9 & Pay Level 10 who have completed not less than SIX (6) years of continuous service in the aforementioned level for filling up the following post of OFFICER in the prescribed Pay Band with admissible Allowances and Benefits as per University norms.

Click here for Notification

Download Application Form

Clarification Regarding Position of the University against Allegation upon it

Ref. No. 862 /UBKV/Est.                                                                             Date: 23.09.2022

Clarification Regarding Position of the University against Allegation upon it

Of late, a grievous allegation regarding recruitment of Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Coochbehar is being propagated in the print, electronic and social media by a Teacher of the Faculty of Technology of this University.

The allegation is completely false and based on lies as well as purported interpretation of provisions mentioned in the Act and Statute of the University.

The Dean of a Faculty has to be selected by the Vice-Chancellor from amongst the already recruited teachers in the rank of Professor of the concerned Faculty. The clause 30 (1) of The Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya Act, 2000 states that “There shall be a Dean for each Faculty who shall be selected by the Vice-Chancellor from amongst the Professors of the concerned Faculty and shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor with the approval of the Council”.

The manner by which the Dean of a Faculty will be selected and appointed is prescribed in the Part III of the First Statute of the University which is reproduced below:

Clause 13: For the post of Dean of a Faculty, application shall be invited from amongst the Professors of the concerned Faculty through notification.

Clause 14 (2): The Screening Committee shall scrutinize all applications including those for the post of Dean of a Faculty and recommend the names of candidates to be called for an interview, excepting those found eligible for selection of Dean of a FacultyThe Vice-Chancellor shall select a person from amongst the eligible candidates to the post of Dean of a Faculty on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.

The screening of the internal candidates in the present case was done by the Statutory Screening Committee on the basis of the scorecard approved by the Executive Council. For selection of candidates 80% weightage was given to their academic achievements as evaluated by the Screening Committee. Only 20% weightage was given for making a presentation by each candidate on their vision plan before the Vice-Chancellor. The entire process was conducted in a transparent manner and the scorecard of any candidate can be acquired through right to information act and scrutinized.

Therefore, the wrong propaganda on the issue of recruitment of Dean of Faculty of Agriculture is being circulated through print, electronic, and social media by the said Teacher of the Faculty of Technology with a malafide intention to defame the University and its Authority. He also contacted several members of the Executive Council of this University and public in general through email disseminating this false propaganda. The University Authority took this defamatory attack upon the image of the University with due seriousness and initiated appropriate disciplinary proceedings as per the provisions prescribed by the Act, Statute, Rules & Guidelines, and Executive Council of the University.

I am directed to assure you that the University is functioning perfectly as per the law of the land at this juncture. The entire staff of the University is committed to the welfare of farmers of the region as well as students, teachers and other staff.

Keeping absolute reliance upon and due regard of Act, Statute as well as law of the nation it is being issued with the permission of the Competent Authority for enlightenment of all stakeholders of the University including students, parents of the students, teachers, officers, non-teaching staff, other staff, farmers, collaborators, industry partners, well-wishers and the public in general about lawful functioning of the University.


By order of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor


Registrar (Actg.)

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Notice for Submission of Income-tax savings Investment Plan and proof of Tax Saving Investment

Ref. No. UBKV/Comp.-313 dated 08.08.2022


All the employees of UBKV including all outstation centres are requested to submit their respective income-tax savings-investment plan in annexed format for the financial year 2022-23 within 12th September, 2022, positively.

In case of non-submission of savings statements income tax liability of the concerned employees shall be assessed on the basis of the available records in the Comptroller’s office and necessary deduction on account of TDS will be made accordingly from their monthly salary without any further intimation.

It may also be noted that all the employees shall be required to submit the proof of Tax saving investment pertaining to the F.Y. 2027-23 within 10th of February, 2023, positively.

Co-operation in this matter by all concerned is solicited.

Comptroller’s Department

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Applications are invited for the position of In-charge, Establishment and and In-charge, Accounts

Ref. No. 309/UBKV/Est. dated 28.06.2022


Applications are invited in the following proforma from the regular employees of the University (Pay Level-5 and above) who have completed six (6) years of continuous service fulfilling essential qualification mentioned below, for the position of In-charge, Establishment (04 numbers) and In-charge, Accounts (02 numbers) on officiating basis with incentive of Rs. 2000/- per month. The assignment shall involve responsibility of the officiating post in addition to normal duties and responsibilities of substantive post held by the concerned incumbent. Application furnishing following information with necessary documentary evidence in support of qualification and experience as well as satisfactory service report, is to be submitted to the office of the undersigned within 14 July 2022 through proper channel.

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Notification – Creation of Individual ID on HRMS platform

Ref. No. 1377/UBKV/Est dated 31.03.2022


This is to notify for general information that the following link has been provided by Government so as to enable the regular employees of this University in opening individual ID on HRMS platform.

Link –

Before creation of ID, individual employee is to get himself/ herself registered through the above link.

The individual ID would provide a gateway to access concerned employee’s service profile.

Cooperation from Government in the implementation of HRMS is gratefully acknowledged.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Notification for Examination for promotion from Group-D to Group-C

Ref. No. 1332/UBKV/Est.(IR)/F-177 dated 24.03.2022


It is hereby notified that the Selection process comprising Written Test, Practical Test and Viva-voce for promotion from Group-D to Group-C category shall be carried out on 12 April 2022 (Tuesday) at Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, P.O. Pundibari, Dist. Cooch Behar commencing at 10.30 a.m.

Call letters are being issued separately.

All concerned are requested to act accordingly.

By order of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor
Registrar (Actg.)

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Notification for Offline classess

Ref. No. 1032 /UBKV/Est. dated 02.02.2022


In accordance with the Government notification circulated by the Government of West Bengal vide no. 753/XXII-ISS/2M-22/2020 dated 31.01.2022, it is hereby notified that the students of Under Graduate(UG), Post Graduate (PG) and Ph.D. has to report physically to respective College / Faculty to continue the offline classes as per following schedule:

SL. No. Batch of Students Date of Entry to Hostel Offline Classes started from
1. M. Sc. 2nd year onwards, Ph.D. 2nd year onwards and UG 4th year (Agriculture/ Horticulture) 03.02.2022 to 09.02.2022 10.02.2022
2. M.Sc. 1st year (New Admission) 10.02.2022 to 11.02.2022 15.02.2022
3. Ph.D. last year (New Admission) 15.02.2022 16.02.2022
4. UG (Technology Faculty) & UG 1st year (Agriculture/ Horticulture) 16.02.2022 to 18.02.2022 21.02.2022
5. UG 2nd year & 3rd year (Agriculture/ Horticulture) 21.02.2022 to 23.02.2022 24.02.2022

Students during their entry to the University have to report at the main gate and shall have to strictly maintain COVID appropriate behaviour / protocol stipulated by the University.

While in office premises, Faculty Buildings, Library adherence to the COVID safety protocol shall be strictly followed.

By order of the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor
Registrar (Actg.)

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Notification for the period from 03.01.2022 to 15.01.2022

Ref. No. Ref. No. 887/UBKV/Est. dated 03.01.2022


Ref. : Order no. 753/XVII-ISS/2M-22/2020 dated 02.01.2022 issued by Government of West Bengal.

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that-

1. Offline teaching learning process and other offline academic activities of the University and its constituent Colleges shall remain suspended upto 15.01.2022(Saturday).

2. Academic instructions/classes for all students will be conducted through online mode as per schedule to be notified.

3. All emergency/essential services including security, medical unit, farm operations, selling of seeds to farmers, cleaning and sanitization, maintenance works shall remain functional following COVID-19 appropriate protocols.

4. All Head of the Departments / Establishments / Units are instructed to keep their Department / Establishment / Unit functional at its normalcy, as far as practicable, observing the order issued by Government of West Bengal mentioned under reference.

5. Food supply services to Guest Houses and Hostels shall continue to remain operational.

6. All the employees (Teachers, Officers, Non-Teaching staff) should be available at respective station (place of posting), so that as and when the controlling officer seeks his/her services, he/she may attend the office. However, station leave in respect of all the employees (Teachers, Officers, Non-Teaching staff) may be allowed only after prior permission on proper leave application.

7. If otherwise admissible, staying away from duty on leave on any particular day in respect of any staff may be permitted subject to availability of similar category of staff for duty to be called from Roster.

8. All members of the Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya fraternity are requested to follow Standard Operating Procedures on containment of spread of Corona Viruses as notified from time to time by Central and State Government and maintain health hygiene while in the University Campus or in any public place.

9. All staff of the University should have to attend duty as and when called for or through online mode.

10. Staff Canteen would continue to be in operational mode maintaining COVID protocol.

All are requested to follow the University website ( for further update in this regard.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Notification for cancellation of reporting of newly admitted Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Ph. D students

Ref. No. 632/EXAM/UBKV dated 02.01.2022


In accordance to the Govt. of West Bengal notification vide no. 753/XVII-ISS/2M-22/2020 dated 02.01.2022 and subsequent direction by the Registrar, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar, it is hereby informed that the scheduled reporting of newly admitted Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Ph. D students during the 1st week of January as notified earlier vide no. 598/EXAM/UBKV dated 20.12.2021 stands cancelled till normalcy is restored. The Schedule of academic activities through online mode will be informed shortly.

All concerned are requested to act accordingly.

Deputy Registrar (Actg.)

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Notification for Normalcy

Ref. No. 634-UBKV-Est-03November2021


Ref. No. Addendum no. 197/UBKV/Est. dated 06.08.2021

In reference to the Addendum cited above, it is hereby conveyed that the Head of the Departments/ Officers at controlling position are relieved from the responsibility of ensuring the normal functional activity of manpower under their operational domain.

Henceforth, the responsibility of general control over the employees of the University would be carried out by the undersigned as mandated by the Statute.

Moreover, it is reiterated that the normal attendance of employees be continued as usual.

By order of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor
Registrar (Actg.)

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Notification regarding West Bengal Health Scheme for the Beneficiaries

Ref. No. 520/UBKV/Est. Date: 07.10.2021


With reference to the West Bengal Government Notification no. 2080-AG- 12019(15)/7/2020-EDU SEC dated 07.06.2021, the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor is pleased to implement the “West Bengal Health Scheme for the Beneficiaries of Grant- in-Aid Colleges and University under Agriculture Department” for the benefit of Permanent Teachers/Officers of this University and their dependent family members. Details of the scheme is available in University website
Serving Teachers/Officers are requested to get themselves enrolled at as per the terms and conditions laid down in the cited notification with immediate effect.
The concerned Teachers/Officers may send mail to [email protected] to get any kind of clarification on Technical issues.
For any kind of administrative assistance, the Registrar of this University may be contacted through the e-mail [email protected].
This scheme is optional.

Registrar (Actg.)

Click here for Notification

Details of the Scheme

Addendum of Notification No. 187/UBKV/Est. dated: 30.07.2021

Ref. No. 197/UBKV/Est. Date: 06.08.2021


Ref.: Notification No. 187/UBKV/Est. dated: 30.07.2021

Further to the notification cited above, it is hereby conveyed that all Heads of the Department and Officers controlling Units/Regional Research Stations/ Regional Research Sub-Stations should normally attend their duties at their individual place of posting. Moreover, the normal functional activity of manpower under the operational domain of aforementioned HoDs / Officers is to be ensured complying the COVID protocol regarding seating arrangement and prevention of any sort of gathering.

The above arrangement excludes teaching-learning process.

This is issued with immediate effect.

All concerned are to act accordingly.

Registrar (Actg.)
Click here for Details

Notification for the period till 31st July to 15th August 2021

Ref. No. 187/UBKV/Est. Date: 30.07.2021


Ref.: Order no. 753/IV-ISS/2M-22/2020 dated 29.07.2021

In continuation of earlier notification vide no. 164/UBKV/Est. dated 15.07.2021 and in compliance with the order captioned, it is to notify that the tenural span of provisions indicated at the said notification has been extended upto 15 August 2021.

Further, it is to convey that any sort of indoor programme can be organized with audience limited to fifty percent of the accommodative capacity of the room.

All are requested to follow the University website ( for further update in this regard.

This is issued with the approval of the competent authority of the University.

Registrar (Actg.)

Click here for Notification

Notification for the period till 16th July to 30th July 2021

Ref. No. 164/UBKV/Est. Date: 15.07.2021


Ref. :Order no. 753/III-ISS/2M-22/2020 dated 14.07.2021 issued by Government of West Bengal (GoWB).

In continuation of notification vide no. 123/UBKV/Est. dated 30.06.2021, it is hereby notified for information of all concerned that-

1. Offline teaching learning process and other offline academic activities of the University and its constituent colleges shall remain suspended from 16th July 2021 (Friday) to 30th July 2021 (Friday).

2. Academic instructions/classes for all students will be conducted through online mode as per schedule notified earlier.

3. All emergency/essential services including security, medical unit, farm operations, selling of seeds to farmers, cleaning and sanitization, maintenance works shall remain functional following COVID-19 appropriate protocols.

4. All Head of the Departments / Establishments / Units are instructed to keep their Department / Establishment / Unit functional at its normalcy, as far as practicable, observing the order issued by GoWB mentioned under reference.

5. Food supply services to Guest Houses and Hostels shall continue to remain operational.

6. All the employees (Teachers, Officers, Non-Teaching staff) should be available at respective station (place of posting), so that as and when the controlling officer seeks his/her services, he/she may attend the office. However, station leave in respect of all the employees (Teachers, Officers, Non-Teaching staff) may be allowed only after prior permission on proper leave application.

7. All members of the Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya fraternity are requested to follow Standard Operating Procedures on containment of spread of Corona Viruses as notified from time to time by Central and State Government and maintain health hygiene while in the University Campus or in any public place.

All are requested to follow the University website ( for further update in this regard.

This is issued with the approval of the competent authority of the University.

Registrar (Actg.)

Click here for Notification

On account of National Doctors Day, the University will be closed on 1st July, 2021 (Thursday)

Ref. No. 122/UBKV/Est. Date: 30.06.2021


In reference to the Memorandum No. 1972-F[P2] dated 30.06.2021, issued by the Government of West Bengal, Finance (Audit) Department, the University will be closed on 1st July, 2021 (Thursday) in commemoration of the birth anniversary of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, being celebrated as National Doctors’ Day.

Assistant Registrar

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Notification regarding closure of the University for further period till 1st July to 15th July 2021

Ref. No. 123/UBKV/Est. Date: 30.06.2021


In compliance with the Order issued by the Government of West Bengal vide no. 753/II-ISS/2M-22/2020 dated 28.06.2021 and in continuation of earlier notification vide no. 99/UBKV/Est. dated 15.06.2021 to be read with 86/UBKV/Est. dated 30.05.2021 and 75/UBKV/Est. dated 15.05.2021, it is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the University and its constituent colleges, RRS, RRSS and KVKs shall remain closed for a further period from 1st July 2021 (Thursday) to 15th July 2021 (Thursday). Other terms and conditions as delineated vide notification no. 75/UBKV/Est. dated 15.05.2021 shall remain unaltered.

All are requested to follow the University website ( for further update in this regard.

This is issued with the approval of the competent authority of the University.

Assistant Registrar

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Notification regarding closure of the University for further period till 30th June 2021

Ref. No. 99/UBKV/Est. Date: 15.06.2021


In compliance with the Order issued by the Government of West Bengal vide no. 753-ISS/2M-22/2020 dated 14/06/2021 and in continuation of earlier notification vide no. 86/UBKV/Est. dated 30.05.2021 to be read with 75/UBKV/Est. dated 15.05.2021, it is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the University and its constituent colleges, RRS, RRSS and KVKs shall remain closed for a further period from 16th June 2021 (Wednesday) to 30th June 2021 (Wednesday). Other terms and conditions as delineated vide notification no. 75/UBKV/Est. dated 15.05.2021 shall remain unaltered.

All are requested to follow the University website ( for further update in this regard.

This is issued with the approval of the competent authority of the University.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Notification regarding closure of the University for further period till 15th June 2021.

Ref. No. 86/UBKV/Est. Date: 30.05.2021


In compliance with the Order issued by the Government of West Bengal vide no. 707- ISS/2M-22/2020 dated 29/05/2021 and in continuation of earlier notification vide no. 75/UBKV/Est. dated 15.05.2021, it is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the University and its constituent colleges, RRS, RRSS and KVKs shall remain closed for a further period from 31st May 2021 (Monday) to 15th June 2021 (Tuesday). Other terms and conditions as delineated vide notification no. 75/UBKV/Est. dated 15.05.2021 shall remain unaltered.

All are requested to follow the University website ( for further update in this regard.

This is issued with the approval of the competent authority of the University.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Notification on representation of students on examination

Ref. No. 77/UBKV/Est. Date: 15.05.2021


The University administration, of late, has been receiving representation from a section of student regarding conduction of end term examination. Upon careful consideration of the concern raised by those students vis-à-vis academic progression of the students, the Competent Authority of the University hereby decides to continue with the method of evaluation as notified by the Deputy Registrar previously. Unfortunate illness of students related to COVID-19 infection during the period of examination shall be given due consideration as per extant rule in this regard. The Competent Authority also instructed all the Deans to ensure timely completion of final year examination of both UG and PG.

This is for information to all concerned students.

By order of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor
Registrar (Actg.)

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Notification regarding closure of the University till 30th May 2021

Ref. No. 75/UBKV/Est. Date: 15.05.2021


In compliance with the Order issued by the Government of West Bengal vide no. 647-ISS/2M-22/2020 dated 15/05/2021, it is hereby notified for information of all concerned that-

1. The University and its constituent colleges, RRS, RRSS and KVKs shall remain closed from 16th May 2021 (Sunday) to 30th May 2021 (Sunday).

2. Academic instructions/classes for all students will be conducted in online mode from home as per schedule notified earlier.

3. All emergency/essential services including security, medical unit, farm operations, selling of seeds to farmers, cleaning and sanitization, maintenance works shall remain functional following COVID-19 appropriate protocols.

4. Food supply services to Guest Houses and Hostels shall continue to remain operational.

5. Faculty members, Non-Teaching staff, Project staff and contractual staffs (except for those who are attached to emergency/essential services) of the University will work from home during the above period and they will be treated on duty.

6. All the employees (Teachers, Officers, Non-Teaching staff) should be available at respective station (place of posting), so that as and when the controlling officer seeks his/her services, he/she should be available to attend the office. However, station leave in respect of all the employees (Teachers, Officers, Non-Teaching staff) may be allowed only after prior permission on proper leave application.

7. Transport arrangement for commutation of staff, either owned or hired, shall remain suspended during this period.

8. Emergent administrative services/works/meetings of the University and its constituent Units/Establishments shall preferably be conducted online during this period. Approvals/permission/sanction may be sought from competent authority through email communication and shall be treated official.

9. All members of the Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya fraternity are requested to follow Standard Operating Procedures on containment of spread of Corona Viruses as notified from time to time by Central and State Government and maintain health hygiene while in the University Campus or in any public place.

All are requested to follow the University website ( for further update in this regard.

This is issued with the approval of the competent authority of the University.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Staff attendance in any Establishments/Departments/Units under this Viswavidyalaya

Ref. No. 19/UBKV/Est. Date: 19.04.2021


In compliance with the advisory issued by Additional Chief Secretary, Home and Hill Affairs Department, GoWB vide no. 715 -Home (Cons)/RlM(Cons)-92/2021dated 17th April, 2021, it is hereby notified that the staff attendance in any establishments/departments/units under this Viswavidyalaya, where it is not possible to maintain a sitting arrangement as stipulated under Finance Department’s memo No. 1912 -F(H) dated 9th June, 2020, shall not exceed 50% on any given day. In all such circumstances, the employees will attend office on a rotational basis as may be decided by the Head of the respective establishments/departments/units. The remaining 50% of the employees in any given date shall perform their duty in work-from-home mode. All essential services including security arrangement and farm operations shall be operative as usual.

In this regard, it is to further reiterate that the instruction on station leave as notified vide no. 14/UBKV/Est. dated 13th April, 2021; shall strictly be followed. Employees who are already on station leave, are instructed to operate on work-from-home mode for seven days after returning to the station and follow the above notification before joining duty physically.

The above shall remain in force till further order in this regard.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Urgent Notice for submitting all the tax savings investment certificates

Ref. No. UBKV/Comp-16 Date: 16.04.2021


All the employees of UBKV including all outstations are hereby requested to submit all the tax savings investment certificates as per their declaration for issuing Form 16 for the financial year 2021-21.

All the employees are hereby requested to submit such documents within 07.05.2021. If any employee does not submit all the necessary documents within the due time then his/her Form 16 cannot be processed.

It may be categorically stated that if any penalty is imposed by the Income Tax department due to non-submission of necessary documents by any individual employee, the University authority will not be held responsible.

In-Charge, Comptroller’s Department

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Notification regarding vacation of hostels to all boarders studying in Under Graduate courses, first year Master Degree and first year of Ph.D. Degree

Ref. No. 15/UBKV/Est. Dated 13 April 2021


In the wake of 2nd wave of COVID-19 situation, the University Administration instruct to all boarders studying in Under Graduate courses, first year Master Degree and first year of Ph.D. Degree to vacate their respective hostels immediately within 16th April, 2021. The students are further instructed to secure their movable belonging in the common places as decided by the office of the Dean, Students’ Welfare and handover the keys of their respective rooms to the Office of the Dean, Students’ Welfare.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Office Directives on quarantine requirement / Leave and Station Leave

Ref. No. 14/UBKV/Est. Dated 13 April 2021


In the wake of 2nd wave of COVID-19 infection and in continuation of notice no. 465/UBKV/Est.(L.S.-176) dated 08.10.2020, it is to notify to all concerned that the prayer for station leave shall not be entertained unless it is extremely urgent like medical emergency, bereavement in family, participation in electoral process etc. In all such cases prayer for station leave is to be addressed to the Registrar with appropriate evidence.

The modified office directives and station leave is attached herewith for strict compliance with immediate effect.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Notification for Bus

Ref. No. 1269/UBKV/Est./(Veh-96) Dated 22 March 2021


This is hereby notified that a bus from NBSTC has been hired for transportation of University students and employees. The bus will ply from 23/03/2021 on the usual route and scheduled.

All are requested to act accordingly.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Notification regarding streamlining of regular administrative activities

Ref. No. 465 / UBKV/Est.(L.S.-176) Date: 08th October, 2020


In view of the gradual process of restoration of normalcy in general, the competent authority has been pleased to restore normalcy in the mode of operative procedure of the University Administration. As such, with effect from 2nd November, 2020 the University would start functioning in standard operative mode. All the Employees are to attend their duties as per statutory provision of the University.

The Director of Farms is empowered to control the arrival and departure of staff under his jurisdiction as per vide Ref. No. 165/UBKV/Est.(Gen-57) dt. 19.05.2017.

Moreover, in regard to any kind of illness except COVID-19, the employee is to follow statutory instructions regarding leave. However, in regard to sickness owing to contraction of COVID, the employee is to follow the detailed instruction enclosed hereto.

This is issued in supersession of all earlier Notifications/ Office Orders/ Memo etc. regarding the issue.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Ref. No. 489 / UBKV/Est. Date: 16th October, 2020


Further to notification cited above, it is to be conveyed that the said notification is exclusively applicable for all the employees of the University. However, the decision on issues related to restoring normalcy of academic activity and conduction of on-campus academic instruction would be conveyed later on through a separate notification.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Ref. No. 489 / UBKV/Est. Date: 16th October, 2020


In reference to notification no. 465/UBKV/Est. (L.S.-176) dated 08.10.2020, the undersigned is to convey that University bus would be operated maintaining normal schedule and route w.e.f. 02.11.2020 as detailed below:

Starting Place Time Destination Time Remarks
Rail Gumti 09.15 am Pundibari 10.00 am Schedule is dependent upon traffic condition
Pundibari 05.40 pm Rail Ghumti 06.30 pm

This is for information and necessary action.

Registrar (Actg.)

Notice for HRA declaration

Ref. No. UBKV/Comp-131 Date: 02.07.2020


All the employees of the University those who are employed in any substantive post and are getting House Rent Allowance and whose spouses are working in any Central Govt. or State Govt. or Govt. undertaking or Govt. sponsored organization are hereby requested to submit his/her HRA declaration from their respective employer.

This will help in fixing HRA in case of eligible employees of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya.

This document must be submitted within 15th July, 2020.

In-Charge, Comptroller’s Department

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Notification for I-CARD

Ref. No. 157 /UBKV/Est.                             Date: 06.07.2020


In partial modification of earlier notification vide no. Ref. No.73/UBKV/Est. dated 05.06.2020, all the permanent employees and staff of KVKs are requested to re-submit the following information to create University Identity Cards in the following link The unique employee codes have already been generated and available at the University website.

All the said employees are requested to enter his/her employee code on the online form after verifying the list given and they are also advised to put their full signature. The said information must be forwarded to the concerned Controlling Officer/Head/In-Charge. The respective concerned Controlling Officer/Head/In-Charge may please authenticate and further submit the document to the Chairman, CNMC through E-mail: [email protected]. The Chairman, CNMC shall compile all the documents and forward to the vendor for creation of the hardcopy of the Identity Card.

PASSPORT SIZE PHOTO (Showing complete face, (5 cm × 3 cm), Maximum file size 250kb) (.jpg):
FULL SIGNATURE (Maximum file size 150 kb) (.jpg):

Last date of submission: 13 October 2020

All concerned are requested to act accordingly.

By order of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor
Registrar (Actg.)

Employee Code for Tenural Officers Employee Code for Teachers Employee Code for Officers Employee Code for Non-Teaching Staff Employee Code for Scientific Staff of KVKs Employee Code for Non-Scientific Staff of KVKs

Last date of submission: 13 October 2020.

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In pursuance of memo no. 2022 F (P2) dated 22 June 2020, it is hereby notified for general information that in view of auspicious Rathjatra festival the Competent Authority has been pleased to declare the 23rd June 2020 (Tuesday) as holiday.

Pursuant to above noted position the University will stand closed on 23rd June 2020.

The government instruction regarding COVID 19 as stated vide memo mentioned at the outset is applicable in toto.

All concerned are to note accordingly.

Registrar (actg.)

Notification for Teachers / Officers / Staff

Ref. No.:59/UBKV/Est.                                                             Date : 02.06.2020



It is notified for general information that in order to restore operational normalcy of different establishments under the Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya in a phased manner, the University Administration, in line with the latest Govt. notifications/guidelines as issued from time to time requests the following :

  1. Teachers/ Officers / Staff who are presently staying at their respective residences in the district of Cooch Behar are requested to report to the respective Controlling Officers for duty under intimation to the office of the REGISTRAR at E-mail: [email protected]. However, duty will be allotted on rotation basis as per Government directives.
  2. Teachers / Officers/ Staff who have recently undertaken physical movement during the lockdown period from other District to Cooch Behar or District of respective campus office with prior permission and have been kept under Home Quarantine are requested to report through the Medical Officer to the respective Controlling Officers and furnish their detailed medical travel history along with documents as applicable. Moreover, they are to make them available for attending office duty on rotation basis as per Government directives, once he/she is found fit to join the duty.
  3. Teachers / Officers/ Staff who are stuck at their respective residences outside the District due to Lockdown are requested to report to the respective Controlling Officers and shall intimate their travel plan with copy to E-mail: [email protected] so that they may make themselves available for attending office duty after observing the health protocol as per the guideline of the District Administration.

Solicitations described above are to be applied mutatis mutandis for all outstation establishments of the Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya.

E-Pass may be obtained from Egiya Bangla website of Govt of West Bengal for Inter District Movement in West Bengal:

Everybody is requested to follow the Government instructions and the University website for the updated information  viz., regarding plying of University Bus service. The route chart and time table of University bus has been placed on the website at

This is issued in conformity with all directives of Government.

Registrar (Actg.)

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Intimation for Employees of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya

Ref. No.:48/UBKV/Est. Date : 16.05.2020


My Dear Colleagues,
Trust this mail finds you and your family members in good health and mind.
Hope all of you are keeping well and are trying to keep your graceful abilities in good shape and order during the Pandemic COVID-2019 outbreak caused by SARS-CoV-2 which is most likely to be under control through the series of initiatives taken so far by the Indians and the Nation as a whole viz., provisions of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 which have been invoked by the Government. However, it is for general information to all my colleagues to stay safe and healthy at your place of your current address of staying and to keep in touch with the University’s administration and also to keep yourself abreast and updated until further instructions are given from the respective sections of establishment. You are all requested to provide information to the office of the REGISTRAR (email: [email protected]) as per the given format at an earliest or as per the telephonic conversation to ensure your present status of staying and also for further communication for any emergent matter as the case may be. You are also requested to follow the University website ( from time to time.
The present system made functional by the Government (as known by us) viz., issue of exit pass at the present place of your stay with details of transport, etc. Even after receipt of permission from the district authorities at your present place of stay, you may please inform the authorities of the Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya in the ATTACHED format along with travel plan for you and your family member(s) and without receipt of favourable consent therefrom in addition to the system made functional by the Government, you are requested NOT to venture on your return journey to the University.
You are advised to follow the guidelines by the Government from time to time.
Your patience and discipline is well taken and appreciated and kindly take care of yourselves and your near and dear ones.
This notification is applicable to those employees who are out of station.
With best wishes to all my dear colleagues and convey regards to your family member as well.

Registrar (Actg.)

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